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Police take to the beach beat on the South Coast

December 28, 2021 11:15 pm in by


Police are taking to the beach beat over summer, targeting anti-social behaviour on and around popular beaches.

Acting Inspector Ryan Sheaff from South Coast Police said officers would be running high-visibility operations around beaches, and ensuring all beach and waterways users were complying with maritime safety laws.

He said it was aimed at ensuring people looked after themselves and others – particularly the surf life savers who risked their lives to save people in trouble.

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“We urge people to swim between the flags, and remember that alcohol and water don’t mix,” Acting Inspector Sheaff said.

“If you’re thinking of drinking while boating, think again – the same drink driving riles apply on the water as they do on our roads.

“That goes for swimming too – swimming while drunk could cost you your life.”

Acting Inspector Sheaff said a real danger was people overestimating their abilities, particularly after a couple of years of lockdowns had brought about falling fitness and skills levels.

“It’s a real concern if people aren’t comfortable in the water, or aren’t capable of managing their own safety, and just try and go a bit too far in terms of overestimating what they can and can’t do in the water,” he said.

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And he stressed the best way to stay safe on the beach was to swim on patrolled beaches between the flags.

Image: Glenn Ellard

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